Completing our Program transition: Back to the Fundamentals

During our everyday Scouting, it can be easy to get caught up in our Achievement Pathways: which “I…” statements do I still have to do, have I completed my Plan> for my Lead yet, how am I tracking with my Special Interest Area project? These are the exciting rewards that our Scouts can get out of our Youth Program, but how often do we think back to our Fundamentals to ensure these achievements have the foundation to succeed?

The Fundamentals of Scouting were explored in The Adventure Begins package as a way to ensure that your Unit was ready to support all of the exciting components of the Achievement Pathways. They are built on the concepts that Baden-Powell originally used to create the Scout movement and are familiar in Scouting organisations across the world. Without them, our Units will operate less effectively, or struggle to operate at all.

It is important to Review> how well your Unit is using the Fundamentals to support your delivery of the Program! Some questions you may ask are:

  • Is every part of our section night, from opening to closing ceremony, youth-led and adult-supported?
  • Are we using the SPICES to Review> our growth through activities?
  • Are we engaging with other sections as we experience One Program with One Journey?
  • Are we utilising the Patrol System to undertake activities?
  •  Do we have an effective Unit Council that meets our needs?
  • Do the Promise & Law guide the actions we take?
  • Are we using the Challenge Areas to develop balanced weekly programs?
  • Remember to check out our Program resources website for more information about what the Fundamentals should look like and how you can apply them in your Unit to ensure you are operating effectively and with young people at the centre: