National Training Team Advertisement

Are you passionate about training and helping others develop skills?

Do you want a role that helps foster leaders who deliver amazing Scouts programs?

Then look no further!

As part of the National Training Team, you are providing guidance, leadership, and education to our Leaders through their journey to help mentor our Youth members in the Scouting program.

We are looking to recruit amazing new talents who are passionate in training. The kind of people who are wanting to further develop and build on those skills sets while delivering an amazing Scouts program to our Leaders.

To be eligible, you will need to have the following (or be well on the path to obtaining):

  1. A Woodbadge
  2. A current Leader appointment
  3. Completion of the ATD Training of Trainers Introductory & Basic
  4. Enterprise Trainer Presenting Skill Set (TAEDEL301 & BSBCMM401)
  5. Ability to thrive working as a team, not a solo player and a willingness to help out with whatever is required on the day.

If you are interested but have not quite completed some of the above training, let us know as we can help you on your journey. Rovers and Adult Leaders are equally welcome.

Email us Gai Green, State Commissioner of Adult Training & Development at [email protected] for more information.