Scouts Properties

This page provides useful information and guidance for Group Leaders, Site Managers, Wardens, Cleaners and Hall Hire Coordinators.

On this page:

COVID-19 Safety Plan
QR Code
Cleaning of Scout Halls
Hall Hire
Scout Camps and Activity Centres

COVID-19 Safety Plan

All Scouts properties must have an up to date and approved COVID-19 Safety Plan.

QR Code

All Scouts properties must have implemented the NSW Government QR Code system to record attendance by members, parents, hall-hirers, guests, tradespeople etc. Details about obtaining a QR code are available on the Scouting Activities page.

QR codes for hirer of Scout Halls - The Group Leader (or their delegate) is responsible for setting up the QR code. Hirers of Scout Halls are required to use this QR code.  The Hall Hire Guidelines COVID-19 document has been updated to reflect this requirement.

QR codes for Scout Camps and Activity Centres – The Camp or Centre Manager (or their delegate) is responsible for setting up the QR code. On a larger site that has totally segregated areas, separate QR codes can be set up for each area. However, ensure that QR code images are displayed in appropriate areas to minimise the potential for confusion.

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Cleaning of Scout Halls

The cleaning requirements for Scout Halls are based on risk factors such as the volume usage of the hall and the time elapsed between use by different ‘groups’. Where Scout properties are hired out to other parties, cleaning should be discussed with the tenant directly to ensure clarity of responsibilities (this also is a step in developing the COVID-19 Safety Plan).

The Group Leader, in consultation with the relevant Section Leaders must address these requirements and ensure that they are defined in the respective COVID-19 Safety Plan for the Scout Hall.

Scouting sections and other users of the hall must manage hand hygiene and the cleaning of certain surfaces during their meetings (as per their respective COVID-19 Safety Plan) to reduce the risk of transmission amongst attendees.  In addition, routine cleaning of the Scout hall takes place to reduce the possibility of spread from one group of hall users to another group.

Requirements for the routine cleaning of Scout Halls:

  • Cleaning must take place before and after every meeting to help prevent the spread from one group of participants to another.
  • Handrail, switches, door knobs and other high use surfaces should be wiped clean with a detergent solution. Take care when cleaning on or around electrical equipment/fittings – isolate electrical equipment and turn off the power source if possible before cleaning
  • Cleaning with detergent and water is usually sufficient for routine cleaning however when there has been a high volume of people touching the surface, follow up by disinfection using a dilute bleach solution or other hospital grade disinfectant. Note: Disinfectants require sufficient contact time to be effective at killing viruses. If no time is specified, the disinfectant should be left for ten minutes before removing. Ensure disinfectants are stored where no small children are likely to access them.
  • Floors, bathrooms and kitchens should also be cleaned frequently depending on use (at a minimum weekly).
  • Cleaning products should be stored safely in containers that are intended for the purpose and properly labelled.
  • Safety Data Sheets for Cleaning products should be displayed. Cleaners should follow manufacturer’s instructions when using the product e.g. wear gloves and wash hands after cleaning.
  • A cleaning sign-off sheet should be displayed to record cleaning completion and frequency.
  • If there are additional cleaning costs, consider how you will cover these and possibly share costs with hirers (more guidance will be provided separately about liaising with hirers about COVID-19 plans).
  • Cleaning and disinfection must also be undertaken after a person with a confirmed or suspected case of COVID-19 has been at the property. More information can be provided to you when you report the matter using the Scouts NSW WHS incident report form.

Note: Safe Work Australia has issued a useful one page CHECKLIST: Cleaning and a printable pack on cleaning during COVID-19.

For other Scouts properties, such as Scout Campsites and Activity Centres, the Camp or Centre Manager is responsible for determining the cleaning procedures. These procedure must be defined in the respective COVID-19 Safety Plan For Scout Campsites and Activity Centres.

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Hall Hire

Hirers of Scout Halls must comply with the requirement of the specific Scout Hall COVID-19 Safety Plan. Make sure that all hall hirers have access to the latest revision of the COVID-19 Safety Plan.

The expectations of the Guidelines for Hall Hires information pack here must be understand and communicated to all hall hirers.

Please contact your Hall Hire Officer for more information.

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Scout Camps and Activity Centres

Scout Camps and Activity Centres may run daytime activities and accept overnight guests under the relevant conditions of their COVID-19 Safety Plan and the current public health orders regarding physical distancing. Members and guests need to check in on arrival and check out when departing, using the NSW Government issued QR code system.

Scout Camps and Activity Centres will need to develop a cancellation/changes policy due to COVID-19.

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